Neighbourhood Church

Axis Women’s Ministry provides a variety of opportunities for the women of Axis Church and others who choose to join us, to experience encouragement and support as they grow in their faith, connect with others in an authentic way, and ‘do life’ together in a way that reflects Christ’s love for them and for others.

Our vision is for women to develop a sense of their true ‘Identity in Christ’, to grow in spiritual maturity, to live lives that are pleasing to God, and to rest in the certainty of His love for them.

Through a variety of programs, events, courses and groups, women are encouraged to

  • Enrich their lives and mature through studying the Word and developing a life of prayer

  • Recognise and celebrate their God given gifts and talents

  • Develop strong, loving relationships with God, their families and with each other.

  • Reach into their communities to share God’s love

Get in touch with our Women’s Ministry here.