Neighbourhood Church

Your contribution makes a difference

Give Online via Credit Card

In just a few steps, you can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring giving.

Give via Bank Transfer



Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 064 185

Acc No: 1053 0456



Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 064 185

Acc No: 1053 0472


Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 064 185

Acc No: 1053 0480

Where will my contribution go?

  • General Offerings donations is used to finance the operating costs of our various ministries and general church expenses including wages.
  • Missions Fund donations is used to help support our numerous Missional Links activities both locally and globally.
  • Building Fund donations is used to finance and maintain the Axis Church building.


A note about Credit Cards

While we allow the use of credit cards for tithes and offerings, we still strongly encourage the use of electronic funds transfer rather than a credit card for two primary reasons:

  1. Although many pay off their credit cards each month, many also do not. We do not want to encourage someone to go into debt and pay interest on gifts given to the church.
  2. With electronic transfer, your entire gift goes to the church. When using a credit card, as much as 3% of your gift can go to the credit card company

Email sent September 6, 2024

Dear Axis Church family,

We are currently in the process of transitioning our bank accounts to Commonwealth Bank, which we are confident will better meet our church’s needs. Please find the bank details below. This email notice will be posted on our church website, under the GIVE tab, to verify this change and reassure the congregation that this is a legitimate email.

Our new bank details are:


Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 064 185

Acc No: 1053 0456


Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 064 185

Acc No: 1053 0472


Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 064 185

Acc No: 1053 0480

When will the old Suncorp accounts be closed?

Please be assured that the accounts will remain active until the end of the year to allow time for this changeover. Although, we ask that you please update any automatic tithing/giving as soon as you are able.

I need assistance changing my automatic deposit

If you don’t use Internet banking or have questions, please contact our church bookkeeper, Ansie Ebershohn. She is available to help you with the changes. You can reach her at the church office on Tuesdays and Thursdays by calling 07 3481 2921, or you can email her at Alternatively, you can go into your personal bank and ask for assistance.

Thank you for your support and patience during this time of transition.